Monday, March 29, 2010

I hate food stamps.

Today we are going to change gears just a little bit and talk about food stamps, more currently known as EBT or electronic benefit transfer. Low-income individuals are deposited cash money or food money into an account every month. Publix accepts these EBT cards, which allow users to buy any type of food in the store, excluding hot items like the fried chicken for example. My initial complaint is that these dumb cards never swipe, or our credit/debit card machines do not read them. The cards are very poorly made and the tiniest scratch will deactivate it. They will look brand new but the customer will not even attempt to slide it and will hand it to me saying, “It don’t swipe.” This makes my job harder, I then have to manually enter the card in, trace the card number on a carbon copy paper and enter a specific receipt into the machine. Now, that isn’t that big of a deal, I can handle it. What drives me nuts is the way people use this money given to them. They will come in and buy Publix subs chips and candy bars for them as well as their five other friends. They buy crap, junk food instead of using that money given to them by the government to get their essential grocery needs. This, might I add is only the situation from my experience in Tallahassee, it was not this bad at my store at home. By now I can just tell by the groceries on the conveyer belt, the customer will be using food stamps. It is ridiculous and frustrates me how much people take advantage of what the government is doing to try to help.


  1. As a wife of a combat veteran, whose family is struggling and using food stamps, don't judge.

    1. Amen and thanks t your family for their sacrifices.

    2. You no it drives me crazy how people judge things like this. I am 32 years old hard working young health man. I had two jobs plus going to school. One day I was working at one of my job and fell out woke up in the hospital with 6 doctors looking over me. They had ran all kinds of test and came back telling me I have congestive heart failure. They were standing over me because they could not find a single thing other then the test ti show I have heart failure. I do not drink I do not smoke and never done drugs a day in my life. Both of my jobs didnt allow me to go back to work. I lost my jobs I lost my car and I lost my apartment. I had to move in with a family member which already makes you feel less of a man. I never wanted to go on assistance I starved for 3 days because I had nothing to eat. I finally reached out and they rushed my benefit to me with 3days. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT JUDGE BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT A PERSON IS GOING THROUGH.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I too am a disabled veteran who receives good stamps for my family. I cook every night and am going to school to become a Chef. I dare someone to say anything about me or my family based on what we buy at the grocery store. Many nights while serving my country I ate MRE's while my children were thousands of miles away from me.

    5. Those same people buying junk food and whatever they want for their five children, believe me have groceries at home... because you have food stamps you can't eat subs now? If she used the cash on her card to buy them toys or a candy bar, she is abusing her benefits? You have disrespected so many women and children, and men with your disrespectful remarks.... you are in no position in life to tell other grown people how to eat and shop. Stop being so judge mental, it's not cute. Does it upset you to see families getting what they want, even if they are on assistance. Or because a person get food stamps and cash they are limited to what they buy? So many cashiers are on assistance also for their 3 and 4 kids too, why?, because times get hard for single parents with bills, children, rent, utilities, car notes, and more.... so yes some may need that extra help on things.... so what makes you different as a cashier making maybe 8 or 9 maybe 10 dollars an hour, than the cashier making the same except she qualified for food stamps? As people you have to do better....

    6. stop leaching off tax payers who work hard so you could sustain your unhealthy eating habits, then nobody will tell you what to buy. If you gotta buy chips, they you are not poor.

    7. Star fuck u... I don't even have EBT but I sure as hell ain't gonna tell no one how to spend them... If they bought broccoli or Ribeyes and lobster, so fuckin what, get a grip... It's their food

    8. Shame on you for shaming the less fortunate for sharing what little they have with their friends

    9. Hey all you highly educated people out there Ive got news for you... All food has nutritional value... Sugar is needed for energy.. Protein for muscle tissue... Carbs also for energy... Iron for oxygen distribution.... Nobody lives on just candy bars.... People dont just buy candy with thier stamps... Bread metabolizes into sugar after consumption so does pasta and potatoes.... People can buy whatever kind of fucking food they want with their stamps.... You goddamn bunch of idiots

    10. My husband and I both work 3 jobs between us. He works two full time and I work one. Yes, I said he works 16 hours a day. Between us we make decent money. I make about as much as he does with my one job. Neither of us make close to min wage. I make $20-$30 an hr and he makes $12 at one job and $14 at the other. We also have two small children. Just our normal expenses for preschool and child care costs roughly $600 a month, And we get subsidised funding. We pay our own bills and they come to roughly $2000 a month. That includes our home, electric, car payments, insurance, phone ect. That doesn't include toiletries, diapers, gas,ect and the $40 round trips 3 times a month to my daughter's specialists. We work harder than most people I know. I'm telling you this bc our family gets Medicaid and food stamps. Our days are long and some are longer than others. We didn't have children to be on welfare but we both have good jobs and still barely make it. So much so that we had a baby last year that was placed for adoption. The hardest thing we ever had to do because we were already on state aid. Right after that my sister's husband passed away and we took my neices for a couple weeks while my sister mourned the love of her life and father of her children. So our days got even longer and we had to stretch our money further. There were days that we went and bought subs from publix or i got the girls cookies or candy, they were going through enough. You think I didn't notice the looks of people when i had 2 young babies that are mine plus 2 half black older girls while i bought a quick dinner and a treat with foodstamps?! You don't know anyone's story or background. You want to work at a grocery store or in customer service and bitch about having to do your job? I guarantee I make more money than you, but I don't live with my parents and have a family to take care of. Idk where you're from, but here in FL, rent for the smallest one bedroom apt is over $1000. We live in a 3br house but we don't pay as much as others. We are ONE family. You don't know what other people go through. I know there are lazy people out there who don't work and expect everyone else to pay for their kids. We pay our taxes, we contribute to society. You let the very small percentage of people who take advantage to set the standard for what people on foodstamps look like and eat. You should be ashamed. Your job seems so hard typing up numbers ir hitting a total button while you stand in one place all day. Smh. You sound so ignorant and immature. I have a feeling you're like 16.

    11. Food stamps are Corporate America’s way of maintaining low minimum wage standards. Without them ppl wouldn’t stand for such low wages. Plus the rest of the world is farther down the totem poll

  2. Just becuase there having a hard time now, doesnt mean they shouldn’t be able to eat good every now an then.. Sometimes you need to do small things like that to feel normal.. I dont agree with buying the friends stuff but a homeless man buying a bag of chips on tax payers money is more than ok with me

  3. Buying candy bars and junk food, things that we can all agree have no nutritional value, is really a crappy way to make use of money that is meant to help keep you alive. Down in Florida, EBT users buy steaks and lobsters with their cards. The best thing I've seen people spend their EBT money with is vegetable and herb seeds, and at the grocery store, I've seen people save hundreds of dollars combining their EBT card with coupons, so they're making the money stretch way farther. It seems some people appreciate the welfare a lot more than others.

    1. I agree, if you really need help because you and your family cannot afford to eat good food everyday, then you need EBT. However if you choose to spend what little you have on either expensive food/convenience food/garbage food and you need help then that is where you are wrong. It is not ok to make bad decisions financially or food choices just because you are poor , sick, or down on your luck. No matter what your situation is, you must be personally responsible for making the best use of your resources. Sure I’d like to eat steak, lobster, subs, chips and candy bars, but I have enough sense not to because I know they are not healthy food choices and will only make my health and then my life worse. Think of this analogy; Just because your an alcoholic that drinks to numb whatever “pain” you are suffering from does not mean I should give you a bottle of liquor because it is the highlight of your otherwise “ painful” day. It just increases your “pain” in the long run by fueling your addiction, eroding your mind and your health and hastening your demise. I conclude with this note, if all your going to do with your food stamps is indulge yourself on steaks, lobster, subs and chips, please don’t and leave the money in the program for people who are truly desperate, hungry and willing to utilize it as efficiently as possible to provide for their families needs.

  4. The thing is, these people are poor in more ways than one. It's obvious that they are broke, but they are also poorly educated. Which includes nutritional education. They also make poor choices. They are poor all they way around.

    1. Were not all living off the state and under educated so shut the fuck up!

    2. Were not all living off the state and under educated so shut the fuck up!

    3. Funny, I have 2 degrees and lost my job while my mother was in hospice. I am not uneducated in any way but am receiving food assistance while not employed. I try to stretch the amount available as much as I can, but every once I a while you need a treat. I have seen people spend $100 in food stamps on what I would call junk but I feel like that is the exception more then a rule. You should avoid such broad generalizations, they are no different then grouping all black people together or all Latino people together or all of any group for that matter.

    4. Funny, I have 2 degrees and lost my job while my mother was in hospice. I am not uneducated in any way but am receiving food assistance while not employed. I try to stretch the amount available as much as I can, but every once I a while you need a treat. I have seen people spend $100 in food stamps on what I would call junk but I feel like that is the exception more then a rule. You should avoid such broad generalizations, they are no different then grouping all black people together or all Latino people together or all of any group for that matter.

    5. Wow, I'm a hard working Wife and Mother who recently had to receive EBT. This post is full of hate, I dont understand how someone can live with theirselves while judging another human and situation. It is clear who is the UNEDUCATED one.

  5. Hop off the high horse, folks. As a grad student with a wife and child busting my ass I qualify for EBT. I've used it to be candy bars and even a steak now and then; why? When you're broke something as inconsequential as a snack or particular cut of beef takes the place of going out to eat/entertainment, it provides a pick-me-up when we've eaten nothing but chicken, ramen noodles and eggs all week.

    Before I went back to school I busted my ass full time (40-60 hours a week) in various jobs and served in the Army to support myself and paid into the social systems at the time. Now I'm making meaningful research contributions and working toward a graduate degree that will allow me to be pay back in to the system.

    Meanwhile, you're pissed because people are spending their EBT benefits the way they want to within the scope of the program and you're having to do a little extra work to slide the card (boohoo). Come back to me when you've experienced real hardship beyond a minor inconvenience, or had to work a truly difficult and demanding job.

    1. People fail to understand ....its sad that she complains about how people use their ebt cards....really ...I feel like she should quit if it's such a problem

    2. I worked on wall street for almost 15years made big money paid hundreds of thousands into the system and in 2011 had a stroke and open heart surgery which left me fully pysichally disabled and having to pay my entire savings into paying medical bills left me and my 2 children with nothing I now qualify for food stamps I sometimes shop well and healthy and others not so much and guess what my card don't work idk why but at least I'm courteous enough to tell u that behind the register before u waste ur time. Calling management and wasting time. At least u can work. I wish I could and that b the worst of my problems. All u opinionated people. Life is short and ANYTHING can happen at anytime be grateful and don't judge anyone.

    3. Excellent comments. I worked for Dell for years, paid taxes, did all the "right" things. Now at 52 I find myself without work, desperate for a job, willing to work, unable to get a job. EBT is, I pray, temporary for me, but a difference between rather I eat or not. I receive $155.00 A MONTH. I make it go a long way but, I eat as healthy as possible. Don't judge simply because you have to work at helping with the card. Not everyone is as they appear on the surface.

    4. Spot on response. And thanks for your service to our country.

    5. Amen to everyone and side eye to this judgemental person

  6. I had this view of people on food stamps at one point. It is sad that people abuse it and it now has a bad name. But my husband is in between jobs and is studying for state finals. I am 7 months pregnant. All of them bad roads have crossed at one time and I decided to apply for state help for the time being. I just got my EBT card yesterday and We need groceries BUT im scared to be judged by people that think im uneducated or a bad person : (

    1. You're fine. I never judge! My boyfriend and I use them. We cook mostly so it's just food. Normally people can't even tell... Unless you explicitly flash the card. No one really looks and it looks like any regular credit card.

    2. It's people like her that make me feel ashamed in the grocery line when I have to tell the clerk it's "EBT". I feel judged as well but my husband is out of work and if weren't for the government's help I just don't know how we would eat. I thank God there is assistance out there for people. Regardless of how the adults choose to use their EBT benefits, it's nice to know the children are not starving.

    3. I agree. If you want a sub and candy so what. Maybe she cook and want to get her and the kids a break. I work part time because of a disability. I worked since 15 years old. I injured my back. I got 3 kids and get food stamps. Some days i get them candy for a snack so what we are human but i cook most of the time. When its hot to cook we may eat sandwiches. How dare the woman to complain. If you don't know what a person going through don't judge what is in a person cart. I get my kids ice cream when its hot so what. Kids want a snack here and there. Do your job or quit. Stop complaining. You have a job you can work.

    4. I agree. If you want a sub and candy so what. Maybe she cook and want to get her and the kids a break. I work part time because of a disability. I worked since 15 years old. I injured my back. I got 3 kids and get food stamps. Some days i get them candy for a snack so what we are human but i cook most of the time. When its hot to cook we may eat sandwiches. How dare the woman to complain. If you don't know what a person going through don't judge what is in a person cart. I get my kids ice cream when its hot so what. Kids want a snack here and there. Do your job or quit. Stop complaining. You have a job you can work.

    5. why did you get pregnant when you were unemployed?

    6. Do you really feel you have the right to ask someone you don't know that question? Or think they should explain their situation to you? Smh... Idk what age you are, but your question makes me feel like you might be really young and inexperienced. But I'm not trying to assume or judge you. I just think sometimes when ppl are young they have no clue what life can throw at them. Ups and downs, peaks and valleys.

  7. its a college town get over it if you work in any supermarket you're going to come across this

  8. its a college town get over it if you work in any supermarket you're going to come across this

  9. Considering that Tallahassee Florida is a college town primarily made up of students who are EBT recipients what do you expect I myself used to live there and I have nieces that now live there and attend school not condoning it is right but it is what it is and it's truly for no one to judge I understand your frustration but once again college town. I can't really think of many college kids that sit there and cook there meals when they can go out and purchase something quicker to eat.

  10. Just laid off last month after 10 years of being a hard working tax payer. Getting EBT probably for 60, maybe 90 days. I'll eat what I want, so will my family. You don't like it, cram it. Most of those who judge and "my tax money" blah blah blah get EIC.... thanks, I paid for your tax return. So stuff it.

  11. Just laid off last month after 10 years of being a hard working tax payer. Getting EBT probably for 60, maybe 90 days. I'll eat what I want, so will my family. You don't like it, cram it. Most of those who judge and "my tax money" blah blah blah get EIC.... thanks, I paid for your tax return. So stuff it.

  12. Wow that's pretty judgemental. Normally I shop very frugally but occasionally I splurge. Once in a blue moon I'll have a steak and maybe even crab legs. When I have a meal like that I just feel like a normal person. Not poor, and it feels good. Judge that.

  13. I hope the day comes and you have the need for EBT, and when that day comes I hope don't ever get approved, not a penny, you work at Publix to begin with , not that it's a bad place to work at all, your probably in ur late 30s mid 40s and have a roommate or you live with mommy and day, some of us need it, we have bad times in our lives and that's why I have paid taxes so when some one is need of help they will get the proper help needed, and by the way those EBT users help you get a pay check you Imbecil. As I am writing this response I just arrived at Publix to purches a sub from the deli, I have a little money left on my car after doing all my shopping for my family, and not to mention I gout out the the hospital Monday after having surgery on my testical (I had a 3cm lump removed, you probably have no idea what cm stands for. And the longer I think about it I hope you never have to get EBT help, I wish you the best of luck in life, you see people like you are just alive and people me Live life, anyway this is just a waste of time now you are to stupid to understand the difference.....
    PS. This is intended to the original sack of SH/T. The one who works at Publix steriopyping and crying like Putka that haven't seen a $/(I( in a long time.

    Hope you all enjoy eating anything that deserve and aren't treated like a 2nd class Citizens of Humanity!!!!!

  14. Clearly, a privileged "Tit baby" wrote this blog. Yes, people take advantage, but there are those it was REALLY intended for. Not the ones who can't keep their legs crossed.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. IPaid in to this system since I was 16, I lost my job 6 months ago and have burned through what little savings I have. As a single father raising 2 boys I have come to rely on my EBT card to keep food on the table. And yes sometimes we get tired of eating hot dogs and soup so I splurge and buy a roast or some steaks.Frankly it's none of your business what I do,next time you feel like judging someone stop and consider what they may have been or are currently going through.

  17. IPaid in to this system since I was 16, I lost my job 6 months ago and have burned through what little savings I have. As a single father raising 2 boys I have come to rely on my EBT card to keep food on the table. And yes sometimes we get tired of eating hot dogs and soup so I splurge and buy a roast or some steaks.Frankly it's none of your business what I do,next time you feel like judging someone stop and consider what they may have been or are currently going through.

  18. It wasn't too long ago I was in a position as a business support specialist in a very well known corporation. Now...I am diagnosed with PTSD, arthritis, and no longer able to work. Oh and btw I have a 4 year college degree. But I now am on government assistance. And guess what Miss Little Publix Cashier, there are times I too get hungry for a candybar, thirsty for a coke, yes believe it or not people living in poverty do like treats once in awhile too. However I do cook nutritious meals. I have to. I try to budget my meals out but no matter how good a person is the food stamps the government gives us horrible candy eating people, they are never enough and we do end up spending cash towards the end of the month. And as I close Food for thought. .if it wasn't for us coming in using our food stamps putting them on your conveyor belt, you wouldn't have a job! So just remember the next person that is using food stamps in your line might just be a highly educated person that just had a taste for chocolate. .BIG DEAL....

  19. Our children also deserve to have snacks for a month. I usually buy my month of snacks at one time. They can have crackers,cookies,donuts,a brownie each a day. So just because someone gets junk on their food card. Doesn't mean that's all they buy all the time. And as working parents we pay into it as well.

  20. It is obviously it really boils down to is she hates to process EBT as a form of payment so she is taking it out on the card user. Unfortunately we have alot of people like her that is why food prices are going up and benefits are going down. Maybe just maybe she will find herself with an EBT card in her wallet. Most specially if she were a true leader of household wich Im sure that is what she clams at tax time. Slow down little whatever you are EBT hater. Humble yourself!!

  21. You really should keep the stereotyping to yourself... I am a single mother of a boy and girl and I do receive food stamps... Not much... $108 a month... But it helps and I appreciate getting that. But I see people all the time complaining about what people buy with their food stamps. They get the same amount regardless of what they are buying... And if they use it to feed their friends or buy things you deem them to be unworthy of having and they run out of money and can't feed themselves then its not changing anything for you and its their problem. I dont think it is right for you to make an assumption based on what is placed on your conveyor belt or about what a lower class of person should be allowed to eat and I seriously doubt publix would condone the negative downspeak since you do use their company name for your blog... I have made many screen shots and will be sending this to corporate so I really hope you don't like candy and sub's and soda because you just might need food stamps if you get laid off for your profiling of the social classes...

  22. I hate people who talk bad about people using food stamps my grand parents worked all their lives now unable to work and live on a fixed income I'm glad they are able to also have food stamps for extra help.

  23. Thank God our country feels every life has value and as a nation we have compassion. I was diagnosed with stage 4b cancer. (After living a very healthy lifestyle) It spread to my bones and I had many fractures and couldn't shop. I had to go on disability and receive food stamps. Most foods were intolerable. Chicken smelled and tasted like a dead corpse. My doctor said eat anything that you can tolerate and make it calorie dense. Sugar was the only thing I could keep down. I ate little debbie snacks, pudding, ice cream. My son had to shop for me. The cashier saw a healthy 35 year old man buying junk with an ebt card. Please understand that every situation is different. Isn't it better to have some empathy, compassion and realize that making judgements without knowing the circumstances makes the one judging the person who is a poor human being.

  24. Well this sure spiraled out of control lol.

  25. That is what u get paid for duh that could be u one day so stop judging folks

  26. I fought for this country and from the outside appear capable but I now have seizures and can't work full days... when I get a sub from Publix am I abusing the government... when am I not worthy of some assistance... HAVE I not done my part. 3 tours, usmc ...

  27. You are a cashier for goodness sakes. You are just one step away from being on food stamps. How about you do your little job and try to be a decent human being.

    1. Yes!!! Thank you. That's exactly what i was about to say! Im on food stamp and have a full time job at amazon in a position that has absolutely nothing to do with either of my 2 degrees. I work 60 hours per week. And i still qualify because i have kids and bills. This post is just ignorant.

  28. I agree. The logic here is simple- if you are buying non essential stuff like chips with your food stamps, then you are getting your real food with some other money of your own. I mean, we all gotta eat. So if you have your own money for real food, then you don't need food stamps.

  29. Star: Just curious what is acceptable food purchases? (According to you) Because if someone buys chips($1-$4/bag), ramen(less than $1/pkg) & soda(approx.$89-$2/per 2 liter) they are accused of buying junk with "tax payer money" but if they buy steak, shrimp, organic vegetables & bacon they get accused of "eaten good" too good off of your money. My husband works 2 jobs. 1 full time with benefits & a part-time equaling over 65 hrs/per week & paying taxes but post brain surgery while on disability(through work not Gov't disability) he had complications and to extend his leave and was let go because it exceeded 12 wks he was approved for. So our family of 5 qualified for ebt for several months while he recovered. So yes when you have kids & are in a bad situation you suck up your pride and accept help. I'm not going to deny my kids an occasional cookie or some crackers because all of a sudden someone else is paying for part of my groceries. The system is broken. Junk food is cheaper. So some people rather feed their kids a ton of crap because they can buy more of that then the healthier options. I think they should ban certain foods (soda,energy drinks,candy)but not a cold sub. Based on your income you get a certain amount to offset what the Gov't deems acceptable to live off of. Come feed a 3 healthy balanced meals to 2 adults a teen and 2 kids for $189/month #ignorant

    1. Beatriz,
      I think you are missing the point. You and your family need EBT , however x number of dollars is to buy food not junk. Think of it like this someone wins a small lottery and after taxes etc has 25,000 to pocket, some would blow it all on a wild vacation , some would throw a big party and indulge themselves and all their friends and families, some would pay off debt, some would invest it, some would start a little business ( lawn care for instance)! Who is going to benefit most from the windfall? Initially people think I’ll spend it however I want- I deserve this because of x, y and z, but a person who can delay instant gratification can truly change their life with very little effort and thus their day to day struggle if they begin to make responsible decisions everyday. I wish you the best, you have been through so much.

  30. I hope you never lose your lucrative job at Publix. God forbid you may need help one day. I'm a single mom on food stamps. I still work but it won't cover rent, bills and food. Sometimes I work until 7 and get home at 8 and I need something quick for my kids. Stop being a judging ass.

  31. Wow this post only shows yourself as a hating person who is not capable of Sympathy. I truly feel bad for you.

  32. No one whatsoever need judge nor humble any one on this in due time life indeed will do it for them. Karma is very real and also happens to be a bitch. Free will we all have it and do as we wish for it. Consequences are dealt whether it be positive or negative it was a personal choice. Eat, drink, be merry and please please please FUCK WHAT EVERYONE ELSE have to live your life no one else does. People are way too busy looking at others to even see themselves. If you know your personal truth and walk it...that is all that truly matters. Wishing everyone compassion, health, wealth, serenity, peace, and most of love.

  33. Sara Green you should not have a job working with people if you're that judgmental either that or you should be fired or quit. That is a poor attitude although at times you may be correct in your assumptions like John said you shouldn't judge what you don't know.

  34. You have the right to feel the way you feel.... But I think unless you lived their life it's not your place to judge
    And as far as the comment saying that people are leeching off of the government that is a disgusting comment because if you ever made a taxed purchase have contributed tojto thisythis systempsystem too

    whether you need the services or stop the arrogance and fuckary ... Jacksonville Florida is highly populated with KKK so I'm not surprised

    we cannot determine what those people have been through in the past or are going through now

    it's just a situation no one should ever judge
    especially notif you're working at the store clearly you're not born with a silver spoon in your mouth

    And with this covid-19....a lot of people that might have judged before even the person that wrote this post
    feel differently with kids to feed and lack unemployment
    People need to stop judging and start acting humanely....

    If you don't like your job change position ... No one needs to suffer in life just to go to the grocery store and have a cashier jerk pass judgment

  35. Ridiculously ignorant post by a presumably lazy human who doesn’t want to be bothered to do their actual job fulfilling a simple task. SMH

  36. Wow this article has a racist tone and the author seems to judge people who are there to purchase groceries. Regardless of what type of form they use to pay with, your job as a grocery store employee is to assist and help customers! Your job is to scan items and ensure everything processes accordingly. You're not there to complain and if you dislike your job so much then find a new one where you don't have to face minorities. This article should be removed!

  37. All I’m saying is I’d like to punch this employee in the face.

  38. Bottom Line Folks. Mind Your Own Damn Business. We are ALL Entitled to our opinions. But Nobody I REPEAT NOBODY IS PERFECT. (PUBLIX Employee) You are obviously too young,unaware or still live off of Mommy and Daddy or just a Nasty B****! See my opinion lol. You have No Privilege to Judge ANYONE! You applied for that job.So do your job description. Im sure there was not ANYTHING on the list of things that you would be doing, does it say;" You will be GOD and Judge others."
    Also a person buying a sub that uses EBT is wrong? Why?Most Subs at Publix are pretty healthy. Not just that. Maybe that person just started a new job or is looking for a new job and this is lunch. Or did you even consider that MAYBE This person Is now HOMELESS and this is how they need to eat. Maybe those friends were people who helped this person many times while down on their luck and that said person is saying thank u with a meal.
    Its AWFUL how u sit there behind your O MIGHTY REGISTER picking out who is this and that.
    Maybe lets worry about YOURSELF! BECAUSE MAYBE ONE DAY THAT IS GONNA BE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU GONNA FEEL knowing how u judged so many and now you are there wondering if they r judging you. DONT FEEL SO GOOD HUH!
    LITTLE ADVICE...KARMA IS A BITCH!! GOD Bless Everyone Out There On Any kind of Assistance. May you find your way.Hopefully w/out ignorance like this stepping on your way!

  39. I HATE FOOD STAMPS TOO! That is, I hate using them ... but I need to at the moment, being a single mother and going to school full time. I graduate this December with my bachelors degree in Cybersecurity. If it weren't for government help I probably wouldn't be able to get through school and end up making a heck of a lot more money than a cashier. I buy all healthy food for myself and my child, but on birthdays, Halloween, Christmas and other holidays you'll probably see a bunch of junk food on your conveyor belt while ringing me up because poor people have a right to celebrate and eat junk too. If you had even half of a brain cell you may have considered this. You have no idea of what a person's situation is by just observing their food in a checkout line. According to the responses here, you should probably reconsider your observations. Some of us are actually trying to make advances in life and thanking the United States for having helpful programs such as these.
